Call for Papers

ICNDA 2026 is inviting original contributions in terms of 10-15 pages articles [Submission will be started from 1st June 2025]. Topics include but are not limited to:

Dynamical Systems
Mathematical Modeling
Nonlinear Dynamics
Chaos, Complexity and Fractals
Bifurcation Analysis
Discrete Dynamical Systems in Finance and Economics
Nonlinear Waves
Plasma Dynamics and Computations
Space Weather and Astrophysical Plasma
AI Impact on Space Exploration
Nuclear Fusion Plasma
Quantum and Exotic Plasma
Graphs and Applications
Cryptography and Networks
Communication and Applications
Financial Data and Applications
Semiconductor Devices and Materials and their Applications
Deep Learning and Machine Learning
Nonlinear Effects on Climate Change
Internet of Things and Smart Applications
Artificial Intelligence and Applications
Quantum Computing and Applications
Quantum Optoelectronics
Transmission Lines and Applications
Nonlinear Optics and Applications
Optical Pulses
Fluid Dynamics and Nonlinear Flows
Fractional Systems and Applications
Signal Processing and Signal Analysis
The Dynamics of Pandemics
Quantum Systems and Quantum Chaos
Chaos and Complexity in Social Structures
Genetic Algorithm and Applications
Variational and Control optimization
Robust methods and Applications
Ecological, Biological and Biomedical Models and Applications


Articles in other fields involving Nonlinear Dynamics are also welcome.


There will be a special session on “a particular topic” [Details will be updated soon].

No fees for publication in “The Conference Proceedings (Scopus Indexed)”. Only registration fees are applicable.